Discover Upper Swabia-Allgäu
long-distance cycle routes
Upper Swabian-Allgäu Cycle Route
& Danube-Lake Constance Cycle Route
Whether you’re riding an e-bike or a traditional bike, people have made changes to make sure they are able to accommodate cycling enthusiasts in Upper Swabia and Baden-Württemberg’s part of the Allgäu region.
Attractive routes, friendly hosts, e-bike rental and charging stations—the cycling region offers the complete carefree package. Cycling holidaymakers have a choice of two cycle routes that have been classified as ‘quality cycling routes’ by the ADFC. The Upper Swabia-Allgäu Cycle Route and the Danube-Lake Constance Cycle Route won’t just impress because of their varied routing and exciting sights along the way—they have also been tested in terms of safety, accessibility and signposting. Enjoy your own personal experience discovering the region by bike over a total of more than 500 kilometres.