in Upper Swabia-Allgäu

You will find all of the accommodation options close to the Upper Swabia-Allgäu Cycle Route and the Danube-Lake Constance Cycle Route here. You have the option of looking into these in advance— you can book accommodation in advance, or if you’re still unsure about the length of the leg, you can also book it en route. Map view is also available for the Upper Swabia-Allgäu Cycle Route and the Danube-Lake Constance Cycle Route to assist you with planning. It helps you to easily orient yourself on each of the set legs.

Some accommodation is classified through ADFC’s Bett+Bike scheme and has special offers for cyclists. It’s definitely worth enquiring here!

Luggage transfer: 
Daily luggage transfer can be booked with individual hosts on request, either in advance or locally. You can find detailed information in the host description. You can also book daily luggage transfer for your cycling trip in advance via Feuer und Eis Touristik GmbH.

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Download complete overview

Please note that this page is currently still under construction. Please find below a PDF download containing a complete list of all bike-friedly accommodation!